
Search by National Stock Numbers

We know it’s hard to locate your parts by NSN so we went ahead and made it easier while utilizing Perfect Parts search bar in our catalog. Perfect Parts adds Search By NSN to our search bar.

You can quickly…


What’s the All the Fuss About Conflict Minerals?

It is said that more than 5.4 million people have lost their lives since 1998 (i) due to the Conflict minerals issues in the Congo where the conditions there are similar to the “blood diamonds” issue in the sense…


Cross Reference and Alternate Part Numbers

With supply and demand being hard to measure – One needs to have alternate ways to keep their supply chain flowing. It’s no surprise that manufacturers try their best to predict usage but run into unforeseen circumstances that are…


World’s Largest Electronic Component Catalog

Perfect Parts online catalog will provide a trusted source for more than 425 million electronic parts across over 400 electronic product categories. The catalog features products from more than 4,000 global manufacturers and the information in the catalog is…