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Taitien Electronics Company Limited began in 1976 as Tai Tien Electronic Company in Taiwan as a manufacturer of quartz technology components used in communication, radio, satellite and radar applications around the world. Their product list includes Clocks and Sines (OCVCXO, OCXO, TCXO, TCVCXO, VCXO and XO), Oscillators, Quartz Crystals, Saw Filters, and more. With manufacturing plants in found countries, Taitien Electronics can produce and deliver quality products quickly and efficiently anywhere in the world. With a heavy focus on innovation and engineering, Taitien Electronics will remain a popular leader in their industry. Products include: Clock Generators, OCVCXO, Clock, OCVCXO, Sine, OCXO, Clock, OCXO, Sine, Other Oscillators, Quartz Crystals, SAW Filters, TCVCXO, Clock, TCVCXO, Sine, TCXO, Clock, TCXO, Sine, VCXO, Clock, XO, Clock, and Fixed Capacitors. 

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